SLAM 251: USA Women's Basketball (Cover 5 of 5)
Team USA, the eighth wonder of the world.
The women's national team is absolutely unbeatable. By capturing their eighth consecutive Gold Medal, their place in the pantheon of all-time great teams can't be denied. They are a dynasty only comparably measured by names like Cleopatra, Hatshepsut and Nefertiti. They're queens, all of 'em.
This special edition SLAM 251 cover celebrates yet another ascent to the top of the world.
Product details
- This is a special, quick-turn action shot cover of SLAM 251 for collectors and Team USA fans. There is no cover story in the magazine about Team USA.
- SLAM 251 - August/September 2024 (Cover 5 of 5)
- 88 pages
- 8" x 11"
- All magazine sales are final
- This product is excluded from discounts
- Shop the USA Basketball collection